Thank you Gail for elaborating on the true meaning of the song to audiences in those "imperial countries". They are also victims of imperialism. Why don't we in America, despite our high taxes, enjoy free healthcare and free college? Because the money is spent on foreign wars, like the hundreds of billions sent to Ukraine recently, and the billions in annual tribute to Israel.
I kept my commentary on the piece to a minimum because it's here for its historical value. My main point is the date. 1972 was before Biden became a senator and when Netanyahu was playing with toy guns. Those war criminals who think Palestinians will disappear have no idea of Palestine's historical contributions to freedom and justice around the world.
Lastly, it's Day 126 of the genocide. People following my post may have noticed, I stopped caring what people who might be intimidated by the lyrics think. My audience consists solely of those who see Palestinians as human beings. I have no interest in conversing with the others.
I hope you enjoyed the music!