Thank you Gail. I go over the 1-state and 2-state solutions at length in Fugitive Dreams. To summarize in one sentence:
Palestinians and Israelis can best get security for themselves and freedom by (two-state) imposing borders between them, or (one-state) eliminating borders and relying on a constitution that guarantees equal rights.
2-state partition plans have been around since the 1930s but utterly failed. The problem is that what each party gets depends on how the borders are drawn, and individuals get crushed under a system that favors nationality over anything else. The ill-conceived UN partition plan of 1947 resulted in forced expulsion of 800,000 Palestinians from their homes, including my own parents.
More recently, the promise of 2 states in the Oslo accords led an endless maze of "negotiations" that only solidified Israeli control over everything. That's what we have now. A one-state solution in which the government practices Apartheid, and worse, declares the nation property of only one religious group, while everyone else is unwanted. That's what we're up against.