Member-only story
Reason is Dead!
Intellectual obedience, rebellious prophets, and the freedom to conform
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Much Madness is divinest Sense —
To a discerning Eye —
Much Sense — the starkest Madness —
’Tis the Majority
In this, as all, prevail—
Assent — and you are sane —
Demur — you’re straightway dangerous —
And handled with a Chain —— Emily Dickinson
You are having a relaxing afternoon stroll when, suddenly, a little child strays ahead of an incoming car. What will you do?
I surmise that, instinctively, you will rush to grab the child out of the way. Most people will. Even if you were physically impaired, I doubt you could stop the rush of adrenaline. Deep inside you know that, were the child to be hit, you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself.
Why is no one rushing to save the children of Gaza?
“We are helpless”, “cannot do anything”, “wait for the ICC,” “October 7”, “Hamas”, “aircraft carriers”, reasons, reasons, reasons. In other words, reason is used to prevent us from doing what is most natural and instinctive. Reason is used to make us accept a child-slaughter.