If we can use history as a predictor of things to come, we have two recent example where American and Israeli fingerprints soiled the reconstruction.
(1) The American reconstruction of Iraq under Bremmer, in which American companies made a killing paid for by Iraqi oil
(2) 1948, when Israel flattened the Palestinian towns and villages, building dozens of new stolenments to house their influx of immigrants from the Arab world.
Here's my guess as to Israel's intentions:
It's not leaving. It will take over Gaza and annex it, taking Gaza's gas and giving preference to American companies, along with slices to BP and Shell for their countries' services. The Israeli ministers will each get their strip of real estate in the strip. The Arab countries will be made to pay for new refugee camps in the Sinai, which Israel will continue to bomb periodically. With a weak US and untrustworthy GenocideJoe, the only ones stopping this plan from getting enacted are the Hamas fighters.