I appreciate the vision you have, and indeed I share the idea of a humanity united and working together - one that has rid itself of borders and opportunistic leaders. Right now, as you point out, those leaders are wreaking havoc on the world. Your proposal to meet with your traditional "enemies" sounds great, but it won't put out the fire.
I am a Palestinian American. For my entire 35 year stay in America, I have been having coffee and talking and much more, daily, with my Jewish American classmates, colleagues, friends, neighbors. That is not stopping the killing in Gaza in any meaningful way.
Unless we unite and confront the leaders and ideologies that fuel conflict, nothing will change.
As for Gaza, what is going on right now is a GENOCIDE perpetrated by Israel. What war crimes Hamas may have committed (evidence yet TBD), in no way reach the level of genocide. Attempting to both-side it, like this article does, is diminishing the genocide and dehumanizing Palestinian children, as I argue here: