Compared to all presidents who followed him, Carter did the least damage. I think he meant well, and later in his book, he calls Israeli Apartheid for what it is. I do not agree with everything in his book, but it’s a good introduction to Americans subsumed in misinformation.
I should add that US Aid to Israel is also part of Carter’s legacy. From my book:
“After Sadat made peace with Israel, and aligned Egypt with America, US aid to Israel ballooned, as a “reward” to the Israelis for making peace. The peace on the Egyptian front and the additional weapons from the expanded aid enabled Israel to invade Lebanon just a few years later. US aid therefore had a destabilizing effect on the region, rather than the purported goals of “defending Israel”, or “maintaining the balance of power”. Assuring Israel’s militarily superiority only made it refuse to compromise and disregard the consequences of its aggressive actions.”