Another insightful piece, Antoun. As I had written in Fugitive Dreams:
"For the average American, the federal budget is a political issue, to be decided by elected representatives. For Palestinian Americans, aid to Israel is personal."
In addition to American aid, which you estimated at $300 billion, Israel got most of the lands in Palestine for free, and enjoyed its continued use for up to 77 years. I did a quick estimate last year based on the reparations Iraq had just finally finished paying Kuwait for the 8-month occupation in 1990. Adjusting the $53 Billion for the areas of the countries and the length of occupation, the reparations for Palestine easily top $7 trillion. This assumes the occupation ends and the refugees and their descendants return to their lands and properties, and does not include accrued interest, nor does it include any damages for incurred human losses or psychological distress.