Accountability is necessary to prevent further genocides and atrocities of this nature. We all grieve the failure of the international legal system to hold Israel to any account. Certainly the idea you propose is intriguing.
I daydreamed for a few days of all the additional people one could hold responsible for the genocide. For instance, the UN keeps a database of all the corporations that have facilitated the genocide. Then there's the hasbara operatives whose lies have expedited the deaths of many. The political classes in certain Western countries are culpable, and on and on. At some level, as I wrote in a poem last night, "We are all culprits." So where do we stop?
The greatest defeat for the Palestinian movement is to become like Israel, to nurture our victimhood rather than letting go of it, to harness vengeful victimhood into further crime. All we want is Israeli violence to stop, and a return to our homes and lands in Haifa and Yafa. We have much rebuilding to do. Pursuing the villains as you describe will only cement us in the past.